Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Mexican Food

How am I supposed to eat this???

San Diego

The stuffed fam all packed and ready to go to San Diego

What's this?? We get here and it's raining?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Close, but not quite

I don't know who this is, because it's certainly not me! The eyes are all wrong.

This isn't bad. He looks like he has had an accident with an oven, but his coat glows so that's cool. I'll call him Meeker! Get it? It's like Beaker, but... oh never mind.

Are the rumors true??

I heard that I might get to go to Disneyland after Christmas?? That's where I came from! I hope I get to see my family and seeing all my muppet friends would be nice.
Going to the Enchanted Tiki Room after a long fun day at Disneyland is always... interesting.

Christmas is coming...

10 days later and I'm still up here. I know they see me, because there's new ornaments and presents!

I think I see a present down there for me... maybe I'll find a way to get down.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Doing the Christmas tree thing

Have to put the lights on first.
Mynus getting into the act
You would think that Ice Bat would be more help, but he was too busy freezing things.

I had a hard time getting up to the top to put the tree topper on. I got some help up...
BUT, my intention was not to *be* the tree topper

[Meep!] Can someone get me down... anyone? Mynus...? Ice Bat...?  Have a Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Welcome... Ice Bat!

I was on vacation for awhile with the misses, but we're back now. When we got back this little guy showed up! His name is Ice-Bat and he has a knack for getting in trouble... he should fit right in.

Here he is! He tends to freeze things.
We're a cute little family aren't we?

Already getting into trouble! See he froze the water in the atmosphere!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Stealth Cookies!

Wow my tall friends were busy all weekend! These look like yummy chocolate sugar ninja cookies! Yet again I couldn't have any, but I have it on good authority that they are good.

Yikes! Who did the decoration on these ninja cookies?

These look much better!

This guy looks like he's the evil villain in a wild west movie

Pizza Time!

Check out this yummy pizza that my tall friends made. They didn't want to share, but that's okay because Mynus and I like cardboard anyways.

The Addition of Mynus

This is Mynus... she looks to be Beaker's new girlfriend. I wonder what happened to the pipe cleaner?

Monday, November 15, 2010

New (nice) friends

This little ninja is pretty awesome. He bakes great little creations inside of volcanoes using lava... how cool is that?!?! Reminds me of a really great person I know...

Fuuuuuzzoodle! She's pretty cute too!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

That's a big mixer!

I wasn't allowed to play with the stand mixer, but I found a bigger one!
It wasn't moving though!

Foiled again!!!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Cupcake baking

After the trouble I got into with the mixer, I didn't get to help with the cupcake baking,... but I got to have the important job of watching the cupcakes cool!
I got my own cupcake!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

School Day

Since my friends at home are a little rough I thought I would go in to school today...

There are some weird people on the bus to school so I hid in here.

I'm not sure how those guys got up there or what they did, but I don't want to find out.

Was trying to do a little online shopping, but I left my wallet in my other lab coat .
Made some new friends... I like their style. One guy was a little handsy though and the little blue guy wouldn't stop yelling! 

I can't ever seem to get away from the lab...

Looking for treats, but it smelled in here and I didn't see any pumpkin yumminess.

I did find this cool rock... I eventually lost feeling in my legs and I had to get help.

Trying to understand how some people get paid to be students.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Making new friends...

I'm not sure how friendly they are...

Bike stuff

Well apparently after the mixer run-in Dr. Honeydew thought I had too much time on my hands, so he asked me to check the tire air pressure on the bike...

Tires seem to be a little low... better get the bike pump...

Seems to be...

a little...



New mixer to check out,...

The new mixer arrived so I had to check it out, you know, quality control,...
The bowl is comfortable...
I'm a little nervous about this beater, I don't think there's enough room for both of us in this bowl.
Ooops, I fell down the pour shield and got stuck!

Disc Golf?

My translator wanted to go play disc golf, and even though I was hesitant about being around a bunch of sharp flying objects, I agreed to go since it was a nice day out... 
What's this?? No seat belt? Well we're off to a poor start!

I didn't realize that I was going to be caddy! I picked this one... I'm not sure why. I think it hit a tree.
At least I got to ride around in style.

It really was a beautiful day!
I'm really glad no discs got lost in this mess of leaves, because guess who's job it was to find the ones that did? Meep!

Sitting around enjoying the view!

At the end I got to play around in the leaves... I was trying to blend in and sneak up on people. I got caught before I could.